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Institute of Robotics of the Sant'Anna School of Pisa

Robotic system constituted of an active cognitive artificial leg will allow the amputee to walk back and forward, go up and down stairs, and move from sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit with a minimum cognitive and energetic effort. The control system of it will be based on motor primitives as fundamental buildings block. It will be capable of cognitive skills, interfaced to the amputee through a bi-directional interaction. It will be able ‘to understand’ user-motor intentions to prevent the risk of fall for the amputee, by means of a multi-sensory fusion algorithm based on the observation of the motion of the amputee body; the interaction force between the system and the amputee; the force interaction with ground. Finally, it will be capable of closing the loop with the amputee: the amputee will receive an efferent feedback from it which will enhance the perception of it as a part of his/her own body.









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