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BrainControl AAC


Medical device that interprets the electrical map corresponding to certain brain activities works like a "mental joystick". It use thoughts related to movement, such as forward, back, left, right, etc. These thoughts create unique patterns of electrical activity in humans' brain that can be identified. The general pattern of electrical activity is the same from person to person, with small differences that can be accommodated with a calibration of the system. Calibration of the device, which also serves as training for the new user, takes 40 minutes on average. The aim of the device is to allowing people affected by Motor Neuron Diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Multiple Sclerosis, ischemic or traumatic injuries or other disabilities to overcome severe physical and communicative disabilities. In particular, it can help patients suffering from diseases that paralyze the whole body or parts of the body, but who retain their intellectual abilities. The system will give those patients the opportunity to interact and communicate.









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