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Autonomous and independent system that restores the multifunctional daily gestures is a set of aids designed to restore autonomy and independence in the daily gestures of people with mono or bilateral functional deficit that aims to improve their quality of life . The system is based on the magnetic coupling solution between a gripping element worn by the hands and between various interchangeable tools that guarantee high functional performance in autonomy and safety. The system, proposed with gripping elements in various sizes, includes special cutlery and adapters that make it possible to use also various commonly used objects such as a pen, a toothbrush or a razor for shaving. It is a system for those who are affected by pathologies such as tetraplegia, post-stroke hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis or all those morbid events that involve a functional deficit in the intake of one or both upper limbs, to date, in carrying out the different activities of daily life.









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